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Innovative packaging solution: BOXXCO and Honigtreu eG present the BOXXflexx die-cut insert

Honigtreu eG, represented by the dedicated beekeeper Christian Grune, is a leading provider of high-quality honey products. Thanks to a fruitful collaboration with BOXXCO, Honigtreu eG has optimized their shipping processes and securely and efficiently packaged their unique honey jars. The resulting packaging solution, the BOXXflexx insert, perfectly met Honigtreu eG's requirements and also offers an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional packaging.

Honigtreu eG faced the challenge of finding a packaging solution for their specially shaped honey jars. The standard packaging previously used was inadequate and did not provide optimal protection. Christian Grune recognized the need for a customized packaging that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Doreen Lachmann

Sales Representative

+49 35795 1797-25


Gemeinsam zum Ziel

Auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Verpackungslösung traf Christian Grune auf einer Messe in Cottbus auf Frau Lachmann von BOXXCO. Diese Begegnung führte zu einem intensiven Austausch über mögliche Verpackungslösungen. BOXXCO überzeugte durch ihre Kompetenz und Flexibilität und entwickelte die innovative BOXXflexx Stanzeinlage. Die neue Verpackungslösung von BOXXCO wurde speziell für die einzigartigen Honiggläser der Honigtreu eG entwickelt und bietet folgende Vorteile:

  • Anpassungsfähigkeit
    Die BOXXflexx Stanzeinlage kann an verschiedene Glasgrößen angepasst werden und bietet somit Flexibilität für zukünftige Produktlinien.
  • Sicherheit
    Die Gläser sind fest in der Verpackung verankert und wackeln nicht, was das Risiko von Transportschäden minimiert.
  • Nachhaltigkeit
    Die Wellpappenverpackung besteht überwiegend aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und überzeugt durch ihre ökologische und ökonomische Nachhaltigkeit. Sie verzichtet auf synthetischen Kleber und nutzt stattdessen Stärke aus einem Naturprodukt zur Fixierung der Wellpappe.
  • Einfache Handhabung
    Die klare Kennzeichnung der Schlitzungen erleichtert die Handhabung in der Versandabteilung erheblich.

  • The Implementation

    The implementation of the new packaging solution went smoothly. In close cooperation with the fulfillment partner Lebenshilfe Hand in Hand, the shipping process was optimized. The employees of Werkstätten Hand in Hand take care of the storage, picking, and shipping of the honey products, benefiting from the easy handling of the new BOXXCO packaging.

    Thanks to the custom packaging solution from BOXXCO, Honigtreu eG was able to make their shipping processes more efficient and increase customer satisfaction. The secure and environmentally friendly packaging ensures that the high-quality honey products arrive at the customer undamaged. Christian Grune is enthusiastic about the collaboration with BOXXCO and highlights the competent advice and high flexibility of the company. The positive experience leads to other beekeepers and producers who sell products in jars benefiting from the innovative BOXXflexx packaging solution as well.


    The collaboration between BOXXCO and Honigtreu eG is an outstanding example of a successful partnership based on mutual trust and intensive exchange. BOXXCO has once again proven that they are capable of developing individual and sustainable packaging solutions that meet the high demands of their customers. Visit us at boxxco.com and discover our innovative packaging solutions

    . When it comes to packaging, think of BOXXCO first. With us, expert advice meets packaging joy – we pack your challenge!

    The whole CaseStudy as a video

    Our BOXXflexx range at a glance

    In stock
    BOXXflexx punching insert for glass shipping | 2-wall
    0,16 € (from 3500 pcs.) *
    In stock
    BOXXflexx glass shipping cartons I 3 glasses
    0,88 € (from 480 pcs.) *
    In stock
    BOXXflexx glass shipping boxes | 6 glasses
    1,35 € (from 360 pcs.) *
    In stock
    BOXXflexx glass shipping boxes | 9 glasses
    1,89 € (from 320 pcs.) *
    In stock
    BOXXflexx glass shipping boxes | 12 glasses
    2,45 € (from 240 pcs.) *